Can I receive coaching as a vegan or vegetarian?

Can I receive coaching as a vegan or vegetarian? Are you wondering if you can get coaching as a vegan or vegetarian? Find out here who is eligible for our online coaching. In this FAQ, the following sections are briefly discussed:

  • Who is eligible for coaching?
  • What do we expect from you?

Who is eligible for coaching?

Anyone who is motivated and would like to receive coaching from us is eligible for our coaching. Regardless of the dietary pattern you wish to follow. This means that we can and will coach anyone, as long as there is good communication and good agreements are made.

What do we expect from you?

If you are following or want to follow a diet that differs from a regular diet, we expect you to inform us about this. Just tell us which diet or eating pattern you are following and what its characteristics are, and we will look into the possibilities. In this way, we will get the essential information we need to develop your tailor-made plan. We want to help everyone as effectively as possible! A high level of communication is crucial for an effective cooperation

Can I receive coaching as a vegan or vegetarian?

Our answer to this question:

It is certainly possible to receive coaching as a vegan or vegetarian. We expect you to tell us exactly what diet or eating pattern you are following and what its characteristics are. We will then get to work on developing a tailor-made plan.

Do you have any questions or comments after reading this FAQ? Please contact us! We will answer all your question as soon as possible.


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